Thanks for sharing - how do you see the recent wage growth stats feeing into their decision making vs what you lay out here re. service/rental inflation? Seems like no straightforward road ahead tbh.

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Thanks for your comment. The issue seems to me to what extent wage inflation is driving the service component of inflation ex-rent if I understand correctly your comment. I am actually working on constructing such a supercore measure of inflation and the corresponding wage measure to discuss exactly this issue. Hopefully it will be ready soon.

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Thanks, Gianluca. And yes, that was correct i.e. to what degree is wage inflation impact service inflation. I think the UK is seeing ever so slight labour tightening, so perhaps wage growth will slow a lot more in the coming months allowing for cuts.

Look forward to the upcoming post you mention.

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Hi Jason: getting back to your request with a more formal analysis. In the latest blog we examine the extent to which wage growth in the service sector is contributing to service inflation. I hope you find it informative. Here is the link:


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